How Many Backlinks Per Month Should You Get?

Link building is the backbone of any successful SEO strategy. Backlinks signal credibility to Google and resonate with your audience, showcasing your website’s authority and relevance within the digital community. However, amidst the quest for backlinks, a common question emerges: how many backlinks should one aim to acquire monthly? Let’s embark on a journey to unravel this enigma.

What Makes a High-Quality Backlink?

While building new backlinks, many things must be considered to verify the link’s legitimacy. Getting quality links is crucial and impacts your SEO results. However, gaining low-quality links might harm your website and impair your search rankings.

Yet, if link building is done correctly, a website will benefit from improved brand recognition, more organic traffic, improved keyword ranks, and new relationships.

We will give you a thorough overview of “what makes a good backlink” to help you get the most out of your link development approach.

  • Authority of the linking page or site. Depending on the page’s authority that links to you or its URL Rating (UR), you may estimate how much “link juice” you receive from a specific backlink. Further details regarding the Ahrefs UR metric may be found here. Generally, a link from a site with high authority will be more effective than one with low authority.
  • In addition to DR and UR indicators, a website’s outbound link count is also essential. The value of a backlink from a website (domain) or web page linking to hundreds of other URLs will be lower than that of a website with only a few outbound connections.
  •  It is better to use “do-follow” links. The SEO experts have differing views on whether or not no-follow links improve your ranking. Seize the opportunity if you can obtain a no-follow link from a reputable domain.
  • According to research, an anchor text may impact the relevance and quality of a backlink. The anchor text and the material around it should be on-topic for search engines to be able to select the appropriate keywords to rank your content.

How Many Backlinks Per Month Should You Get?

The burning question remains: How many backlinks should one procure per month? While the allure of escalating page ranks swiftly is enticing, it’s essential to recognize that quantity alone won’t suffice in the long haul. Google favors websites with a robust backlink profile, yet quality trumps quantity in link building.

That said, there isn’t a certain quantity of backlinks that you should aim for per month. However, Google will send more organic traffic to a website with more backlinks. Backlinks are among the best strategies for attracting visitors from authoritative websites in your niche. They can raise your domain rating, Google PageRank, Alexa rank, and domain authority.

Of course, these links must be high-quality and relevant to your website’s topic. Remember, high-quality backlinks will always protect SERP ranks. A new site can gain five to seven high-quality links per month for a prolonged period.

After the site’s DA increases, you may build more high-quality monthly links to advance its ranking. Think of links as Twitter and Instagram hashtags that you can use in social media. They can increase your content’s exposure, visibility, and brand confidence on your website. Links can also expand the website’s authority, raising its Google rating.

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Although having plenty of high-quality backlinks is always beneficial, remember to improve your site’s meta tags, URL structure, and meta description.

As your page becomes more optimized, you’ll need fewer backlinks. If you have many links but your page needs to be optimized, you’ll find it challenging to compete with other sites with comparable links but higher optimization. This is because a poorly optimized site needs to improve the relevance and authority backlinks provide.

In other words, link building must maintain an optimized page to save time.

Great SEO works like a snowball: the more effective you are, the simpler it is to implement tactics to make it even more effective. When the traffic to your website increases, getting new links will be a breeze.

Also, it’s essential to keep your material relevant. You can be sure of this by updating your page with the most recent information.

A great rule of thumb is to refresh your page’s content every 90 days. Stay calm with your link building, even if your site starts to rank and your DA rises. It’s crucial to expand your link profile continuously.

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Would It Be Safer to Avoid Quantity?

No. The total amount of backlinks you finally receive is still essential for ranking. A successful site should be allowed to expand and get more backlinks over time without your interference.

If you link growth to quality content, a website may gain many more new links over a month and still do well in the SERPs.

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Because it’s natural for people to connect to good material more frequently, Google anticipates that increased backlinks will coincide with increased quality content.

Your ability to grow quantity while lowering red flags depends on having high-quality backlinks and content. And it’s safer to retain good quality over time than to heedlessly increase link acquisition while disregarding best practices.

Additionally, remember that compared to a new site with few connections, older, more established domains with many previous backlinks may safely acquire more links without generating penalties. This is only a tiny portion of how difficult ranking is.

Final Words

How many backlinks should you aim for each month? It should be clear that the solution to this question is rather complex. There are a ton of variables that affect how well a specific website will do for a given keyword.

A few things, though, are definite. As long as you do it ethically, you can safely get as many backlinks as you can each month. Google, however, prioritizes quality over quantity.

Lesser backlinks are necessary for steady growth, but reputable backlinks can accelerate your development. A balanced mixture of links from various sources is the secret to success if you want to master SEO and your backlink strategy.

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