50 Content Marketing Statistics to Drive Your Brand (2024)

Exploring content marketing stats can give you insights into trends that could boost your brand. It’s like peeking into the playbook of successful brands to shape your winning content strategy.

Now, it’s crucial to remember that what worked wonders for others might not be a guaranteed success for you. Think of these stats as friendly advice for your brand. You’ll need to tweak and test them to see what clicks for you.

Imagine the scene: your competitors are riding the wave of influential content marketing trends, and you don’t want to be left in their dust. Keeping an eye on what brands in your circle are up to can give you a fighting chance in the race for attention.

But here’s the exciting part – by smartly embracing these content marketing trends, you won’t just keep up; you might even carve out your spotlight in the crowd. It’s about finding the right groove for your brand and making it shine.

Benefits of Understanding Content Marketing Statistics:

Aside from growing your brand and keeping up with the competition, content marketing statistics can help in the following ways:

1. Establishing Your Brand as a Thought Leader

You retain your place in the market by keeping up with content marketing statistics. Beyond that, keeping up with these trends helps you establish a reputation for your brand as a trusted authority. Moreover, once potential customers think of your brand as a trusted authority, they are more likely to become paying customers.

2. Helping You Perfect Your Craft

If you can analyze content marketing statistics successfully, you will become a better marketer. Improving your skills will make you a more marketable asset to brands needing content marketing help.

3. Winning More Customers

Content marketing aims to share valuable information with your target audience to build genuine, long-term connections with them. In other words, if you keep doing your right, you’ll win more customers for your brand.

Now that you know how keeping up with content marketing statistics can help your brand, let’s get into the actual statistics for 2024.

2024 Content Marketing Statistics to Drive Your Brand

Rather than present all the content marketing statistics in one place, we’ve decided to categorize them for you as follows:

Content Marketing Strategies

These content marketing statistics indicate what content creators believe and are doing in 2024.

1) Content marketing costs 62% less than other outbound marketing tactics but generates 3x as many leads.

What you can do: Traditional advertisements are great but intrusive. If you want to build a genuine connection with your target audience, give them valuable information in a format they’ll enjoy. You can do this by investing in different forms of content marketing.

In summary, content marketing will help you reduce your marketing budget and win more clients for your brand.

2) 78% of CMOs say that custom content is the future of successful content marketing.

What you can do: While content marketing is designed to speak to both potential and existing customers, custom content is designed to retain your existing customers. This content can include blog posts, social media posts, email newsletters, white papers, industry reports, videos, webinars, and more.

In summary, Use custom content to share valuable, informative content with existing customers. This will keep them engaged with your brand and boost brand loyalty.

3) Brands are using Instagram stories more than ever before.

You can use Instagram stories to share valuable information and stay competitive. For example, you could use this platform to share tips and tricks related to your products. Alternatively, you could give your followers a sneak peek into what goes on behind the scenes. Showing your team in action could humanize your brand and generate a connection with your target audience.

In summary: Use Instagram stories to share informational content or show the faces behind your brand.

4) Content is shared on weekdays and most often on Tuesdays.

What you can do: Content is shared chiefly on weekdays because this is when people spend the most time online. If you want your content to perform well online, you must share it when people look. According to Hootsuite, here are the best times to share your content on social media platforms.

Best times to post content on social media

In summary: Post your social media content when it matters most.

5) 72% of marketers believe content marketing increases engagement (CMI).

What you can do: To boost engagement with your target audience, you must amp up your content marketing efforts. However, it’s not enough to keep churning content out nonstop. For your content marketing efforts to bear any fruit, you need to keep checking in with your audience to see what kind of content they enjoy from you.

In summary, Ask your audience for feedback on the kind of content they enjoy so that you can produce more of this content.

6) Social media content is the #1 type of content used by B2C and B2B marketers.

What you can do: If you want to go beyond keeping up with your competitors to stay ahead of the pack, social media content is something you should focus on. Even so, when developing a social media outreach strategy, you should determine what content works for each platform.

In summary, determine which platforms your audience spends the most time on and what content works best for them.

7) 60% of marketers produce at least one piece of content daily.

What you can do: To stay competitive, you should keep up with these marketers by producing daily content. There is an endless variety—from blog posts to infographics, eBooks, white papers, social media posts, and more—so this shouldn’t be too difficult.

In summary: Produce at least one piece of content daily to break through the noise and stay on the mind.

8) 77% of brands have a content marketing strategy (SEMrush).

What you can do: To stay competitive, you should also have a content marketing strategy that works for your brand. Track your performance to determine what works and what needs tweaking.

In summary, Develop a content marketing strategy and revise it as often as necessary to be effective.

9) 96% of the best content marketers say content marketing has helped them build trust and credibility with their audience (Content Marketing Institute).

What you can do: As a content marketer, you always want to build trust and credibility with your audience. For this reason, you should always aspire to produce valuable content that your audience will appreciate.

In summary: Establish a track record of producing valuable content people appreciate.

10) 90% of these content marketers have succeeded by focusing on the audience’s need for information (Content Marketing Institute).

What you can do: To determine what information your audience needs, you can run a survey or ask them to share feedback. Once you know what they need, you should produce more.

In summary: Ask your audience what they need and produce more.

11) 94% of content marketers changed their strategy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What you can do: These content marketers changed their strategy in response to evolving needs. To stay relevant during this uncertain time, you should connect with your target audience and learn how their needs have changed. Only then will you be able to satisfy these needs?

In summary: Connect with your target audience, find out how their needs have changed, and produce content that satisfies these needs.

12) 73% of top content marketers nurture their audiences.

What you can do: You need to not only take time to understand the sales cycle but also develop the right kind of content for each stage of the cycle. By doing this, you’ll connect with each member of their audience where they are and guide them through the buyer journey.

In summary: Guide your leads through the sales cycle with the right content to convert them into paying customers.

13) 81% of content marketers are committed to building trust in 2024.

What you can do: Be open and honest in your content. Failure to do so will violate your audience’s trust. Don’t give your audience any reason to distrust you unless you want your audience to run to your competition.

In summary, Always be honest with your content.

14) 68% of content marketers are determined to boost loyalty among current customers in 2024.

What you can do: As other brands seek to boost client loyalty, so should you. After all, the last thing you want is to lose clients who are unsure about your brand to the competition. Find out what your clients value and give it to them.

In summary: Take steps to boost brand loyalty so you don’t lose clients to your competition.

15) Web traffic and total sales are the top two most common measures of content marketing success.

What you can do: Use your web traffic and sales figures to determine how well your content marketing is going. While measuring sales is straightforward, a few tools are designed to help content creators measure web traffic. In addition to web traffic, you can also keep track of other metrics such as page load time, conversion rate, bounce rate, and more.

In summary, track your sales and web traffic to see how well your content marketing is going.

16) Marketers create content for multiple audience segments at once – usually 3 segments.

You can Segment your audience according to stages in the buyer journey or interests. Create content designed to fulfill the needs of each segment and share this content consistently to create a connection with your target audience.

In summary: Segment your audience and design content to fulfill the needs of each segment.

17) 47% of people surveyed in 2024 spent more than $10k on annual content marketing.

What you can do: This is an increase of 9% from 2019. To remain competitive, consider boosting your annual content marketing budget. While your budget doesn’t necessarily have to match the $10k, it should align with your content marketing goals.

In summary: Establish a budget to meet your content marketing goals.

Online Behavior

These content marketing statistics highlight how your target audience spends their time online and what they believe about brands that use content marketing. This information will help you better understand how to reach these people.

18) The use of mobile devices rose dramatically in 2020.

What you can do: Since the start of the pandemic, your target audience has been spending more time on their mobile devices. For this reason, it’s crucial to ensure your content is compatible across different devices. Moreover, you need to optimize your content for various social media apps.

AppAnnie - the use of mobile devices 2020

According to App Annie, here are the most popular apps from 2020.

  1. TikTok
  2. Facebook
  3. WhatsApp Messenger
  4. Instagram
  5. Facebook Messenger

Ensure your content works across devices and other apps to reach your target audience.

19) 81% of American adults go online daily. (Pew Research)

What you can do: Do you want to put your brand in front of your target audience? For this reason, take time to find out which specific platforms your target audience hangs out on. Once you know that, you have a higher chance of connecting with them.

In summary: Adapt your content to the different platforms where your target audience hangs out so that you can initiate a conversation with them.

20) Businesses are the most trusted source of information.

What you can do: This is undoubtedly good news for your brand. However, the last thing you want to do is take it for granted. Always be open and honest in the brand story you craft with your content. Remember that while people trust businesses as valuable sources of information, it’s easy to lose this trust. All it takes is one mistake or lie; you could lose the confidence you’ve worked so hard to build.

In summary: Be open and honest with your target audience to retain their trust.

21) 90% of customers feel they benefit from content marketing.

What you can do: We know your customers feel they benefit from your content marketing, but do we know why? To answer that question, you can create a survey to determine what content your target audience enjoys. With this information, you can produce more high-performing content.

In summary, Customers are more likely to buy from brands with content. Find out the kind of content your audience enjoys most so that you can produce more of it. This way, you can win more customers.


These content marketing statistics refer to what bloggers do and how their target audiences relate to their content. This information will help your blog stand out if you run a blog.

22) Articles with images get shared more.

What you can do: Add one or more images to your blog posts to create content that your readers will enjoy. Once you’ve provided them with informational and engaging content, they’ll happily share it with family and friends.

In summary: Use appealing and engaging images to appeal to your readers and encourage them to share.

23) Approximately 80% of internet users are loyal readers of some blog.

What you can do: Given that so many people are reading blogs faithfully, you should invest in quality, informative content for your blog. Learn the best practices for running a successful blog, including when is the best time to post a new blog article.

In summary, if you can set up and maintain a quality blog, you can attract some of these loyal readers.

24) Blog titles with 6-13 words get the most clicks.

What you can do: If you run a blog, keep your titles within this word count. You can also review old articles and adjust the titles accordingly.

In summary: Maintain a word count of 6-13 words for your blog titles.

25) Longer content gets shared more (SEMrush).

What you can do: If you write blog posts, keep your content longer to be more shareable. What is the recommended length for your blog posts?

In summary: Find out the recommended length for your blog posts to be shareable.

26) The recommended blog post length is at least 1269 words.

What you can do: Since this is the recommended length for a blog post, keep your posts to this minimum length.

In summary: Stick to 1269 words at least.

27) Longform content of 3,000+ words gets 3x more traffic, 4x more shares, and 3.5x more backlinks than other blog content.

What you can do: If you want your content to generate a lot of engagement and a high number of backlinks, then you should aim for at least 3,000 words per article. Given that this is much easier said than done, you can choose a few cornerstone articles and make them longer than the average.

In summary, 1 out of every 3 articles should be at least 3,000 words long.

28) Listicles are shared 2x more than other blog article formats.

What you can do: To develop shareable content, include some listicles in your blog. For example, a title such as “50 ways to create engaging content” is much more attractive than “How to create engaging content.”

In summary: Develop some educational listicles as part of your blog content.

29) 51% of companies update old blog articles to boost traffic (SEMrush).

What you can do: Do you want to produce new content without the energy or time to write a new blog post from scratch? You can revisit old blog posts that have performed well in the past, update them, and share them again.

In summary, Updating well-performing blog posts will help you reach a wider audience and renew interest in your blog.

30) 71% of B2B consumers visit an organization’s blog at some point in the buyer’s journey.

What you can do: While you’re not supposed to market your product directly through your blog, inserting a few mentions about your product can be helpful. Keep your blog articles informative and engaging, but dedicate 1-3 paragraphs to discussing your product.

In summary, Run an informative blog, but use 1-3 paragraphs of each article to discuss your product briefly.

31) 86% of companies produce more blog content than other content (SEMrush).

What you can do: To stay competitive, you might want to invest time and energy in growing your blog. Moreover, you should find out what to do to make it competitive.

In summary: Invest in your blog and make it competitive.


These content marketing statistics highlight what content creators like you are doing to boost their content’s online visibility.

32) 95% of people only pay attention to the first page of search results.

What you can do: Optimize your content to stand out in Google search results pages (SERPs). Pay attention to SEO-boosting factors, such as using high-ranking keywords and linking to sites with high domain authority scores. If you write marketing blog posts, using an editor that gives you both a readability and SEO score as you write is essential.

In summary: Optimize your content for a high SEO score, and your brand ranks high on search engines.

33) Search is the number one source of blog traffic across industries (SEMrush).

What you can do: Optimize your blog posts for SEO when you write them. Create your content in an editor that rates readability and SEO; you can use a blog editorial calendar. If you can do that, your blog will rank relatively high in relevant search results across different search engines.

In summary, Consider your SEO score as you write your blog content.

34) Half SERP clicks to reach the top 3 results (Ignite Visibility).

What you can do: When optimizing your content for SEO, you should target these top 3 results. Adopting some proven blog SEO strategies can give your blog a much-needed boost.

In summary: Focus on SEO when you’re writing blog articles.

Visual Content Marketing

If you want to use visual content to get an edge over your competitors, then this is what you need to know.

35) Infographics are the #1 type of content to get shared.

What you can do: Summarizing your blog posts is an easy way to generate infographics. Once you’ve developed a summary, you can turn it into an infographic by adding images to your written summary. Repurposing your blog content in this way will ensure you always have information to build another infographic.

In summary: Repurpose your blog content by turning it into infographics, and then share these on social media.

Video Marketing

Are you curious about how to use video to promote your brand? With these content marketing statistics, you’ll be well on your way to producing outstanding videos.

36) 86% of video marketers say video has increased website traffic.

What you can do: To boost your web traffic, you can design engaging and educational videos and post these on your social media. Include calls to action for people to visit your website for more advice, tips and tricks, or insight.

In summary, You can turn your blog posts into short videos. However, remember the recommended length of time for your social media videos.

37) 54% of consumers would like to see more video content.

What you can do: This is easy—you can produce more videos related to your brand and products! However, learning how to create engaging videos that your audience will remember would be best.

In summary, create more memorable videos related to your brand and the products you sell to remain at the top of your target audience’s mind.

38) 94% of video marketers say video has helped boost user understanding of their product.

What to do: You can help your clients by developing instructional videos that show them how to use your product. To create a compelling video, review the most common questions you receive from your current clients. Create videos that address a client’s needs when contemplating buying your product and then share the rest when they pay.

In summary: Create instructional videos and share them with clients during the buyer journey. 

39) 17% of marketers plan to add videos to their marketing strategy.

What to do: Once you’ve started producing videos for your brand, perfect them to stay ahead of your competition. You can improve your video content by asking your audience for feedback.

In summary: Ask your audience for feedback and use this feedback to improve your videos.

40) Video has become the most common form of content, overtaking infographics and blogs.

What you can do: Since more and more brands are producing videos, you need to pay attention to what your competitors are doing. It’s essential to note what they do well and what they’re struggling with. With this information, you can create videos that stand out from the competition.

In summary: Look at what your competitors are doing and aim to do it better.

41) 96% of people will watch an explainer video to learn more about your product.

You can Create a few explainer videos to explain how your product works. Sharing this content with your leads will help convert them into paying clients more efficiently. Moreover, if clients know they can rely on you to teach them how to use a complex product, they’re less likely to check out your competition.

In summary: Produce explainer videos so potential clients feel more confident about using your product.

42) By 2022, videos will occupy 82% of all internet content.

What you can do: To stand out from the crowd, you need to figure out how to go beyond creating good videos to create exceptional videos. Ask your audience for feedback on the kind of videos they enjoy and track their engagement with videos you’ve produced in the past.

In summary: Create exceptional videos to stand out from the crowd.

43) Promotional videos and brand storytelling videos are the most common types of video.

What you can do: Design promotional videos, invest in brand storytelling, and find out how to give your content that extra kick. Once you discover what kind of unique content you can create, you’ll be easier to stand out from your competition.

In summary: Invest in promotional videos and brand storytelling, but find elements to make your content stand out.


Podcasts are a great way to promote your brand while educating your audience. If you’re considering launching a podcast, these content marketing statistics will help.

44) 90 million Americans listen to podcasts at least once a month.

What you can do: Repurposing some of your blog content as podcast episodes could help you grow your audience. Once you’ve set up your podcast, you should promote it widely on the platforms where your audience spends most of their time.

In summary: Repurpose your content as quality and informative podcast episodes, and promote these episodes where your audience hangs out.

45) 45% of worldwide internet users aged 25-34 listen to podcasts regularly.

What you can do: If your target audience is in the 25-34 age range, a podcast is an excellent way to reach them. Since podcasts promote your brand while educating your audience, they can be an effective marketing tool. Even so, you might want to survey the content people enjoy in their podcasts. This information will guide you as you develop a content calendar.

In summary: Launch an engaging podcast to connect with people in this age range.

46) In the US, 39% of men and 36% of women listen to podcasts monthly (Edison Research, 2020).

What you can do: If you want to reach these demographics, one way to do it is to launch a podcast. Find out the popular podcasts among these segments and offer them similar content.

In summary, Find out what kind of podcast content is popular among this demographic and offer them something similar.

Email Marketing

A great email marketing campaign can help you stay connected to your target audience throughout the buyer journey. These content marketing statistics can help you create an effective email marketing strategy.

47) Email marketing is the top content marketing strategy for nurturing audiences.

What you can do: Use a good email marketing strategy to connect with your leads and guide them through the sales funnel. If you keep in touch with potential customers throughout the buyer journey, they might eventually become paying customers.

In summary: Use email marketing to keep in touch with potential customers and maintain contact even after they become paying customers.

48) Marketers who use segmented email campaigns receive as much as a 760% increase in revenue.

What you can do: Segment your audience so that you send everyone on your mailing list content that is relevant to them. With a segmented email campaign, you can meet each of these people where they are and connect with them memorably and effectively.

In summary: Segment your audience and send different content to each segment according to their needs.


Webinars can help you establish your brand as a thought leader while promoting your products. Here are some helpful content marketing statistics to help with your webinars.

49) Email drives 57% of webinar registrations.

What you can do: Emailing potential attendees might boost your registrations if you run a webinar. To do this effectively, you can list previous webinar attendees and update it regularly. Alternatively, you can collect these email addresses via a landing page on your website.

In summary: Email previous webinar attendees and website visitors to promote your current webinar.

50) 59% of webinar attendees register the week before the webinar, and 17% register on the webinar day.

What you can do: Given that potential webinar attendees will pay more attention the week before your webinar, you can boost your advertising efforts for this week’s webinar. Additionally, it would be best to keep advertising until the actual day of the webinar to get some last-minute registrations.

In summary: Boost advertising for your webinar in the week before your webinar.

Over to You Now:

Content marketing statistics are usually an accurate indication of what your competitors are doing. Therefore, by studying these statistics, you can get a good idea of what works, what doesn’t, and what’ll give you an edge over your competitors.

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